Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Rube Goldberg Fantasy!

My darling lovelies,

Yesterday Dear Ole Foz gave you a little video tickle that was scary bad, although I must admit that I could probably not pull off the vocal stylings of Boris the Molester.

Then this morning old thos e. sends me a link to the coolest thing ever. I know, I know, I told you that Foz the Hook brand anal beads was the coolest thing ever, but now there is a new coolest thing ever, and it is the video to OK Go's song This Too Shall Pass. The song is pretty good too. Put it on your ITunes download list after FtH's Gin-Soaked Yankee and after your FtH brand anal beads. Go! Go watch it now and come back.

Pretty cool, huh? Now, you were wondering how the show went last night. Good God, it was great. Your pals were hitting on all cylinders last night, that's for sure. We came up with a swell new opening, which now features Somebody Write Some Music instead of Keep Your Nose Clean. The audience was going crazy. Then we did My Kind of Mess with the longer intro (we don't do the long intros on comedy night, so you have to come out for the first Monday headliner). The intro really turned the audience on, and they totally got caught up in the lyrics. The gags in the lyrics rarely work so well.

The second set is where we usually put songs that still need a little polish, or are just too weird. But you know what? Last night everything worked. Whether we played Theme of the Guys From France or Eat Egg (two songs that work remarkably well when you play them consecutively) the jokes worked and the music was spot on.

Old Patrick and Old Dan were really hitting it last night.

Then we moved into the covers set. The covers also worked really well, even though your pals were starting to weave a bit.

The Dragon's Milk finally caught up with Ole Foz at about 1:07 A.M., when I sent a text message to work saying I would be late. It reads as follows:

"Not a chance. Just thought i would ray. See you on sober day. What?"

Guess when Sober Day is? It's today!

Oh, baby! Not now. My head is killing me. Just give Old Foz a good night's rest, and he'll take care of all your needs. In the meantime, try these anal beads.

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