Saturday, February 27, 2010

Two Foz the Hook Shows.

Hey Chums.

Foz and the boys are playing two fantastic shows for you at Cole’s this weekend.

Sunday, February 28, 9:00 PM, at Cole’s, 2338 N. Milwaukee in Chicago.

Tomorrow night (Sunday) we will play our “Tennessee Williams” set as part of Dan John’s great open mic. This show will feature musical arrangements of a series of Tennessee Williams poems, mostly from Williams’ “Blue Mountain Ballads” collection. Foz the Hook will feature beautiful versions of “Heavenly Grass,” “Her Head on the Pillow,” and “Between a Bed and a Chair.” I have enjoyed these poems immensely since picking up a copy of “In the Winter of the Cities” a couple of years ago. It is nice to see other artists pitch in, and enjoy it as much as I do. Coleman Brice has also arranged a couple of titles, and he will play his material too.

Monday, March 1, 9:00 PM, at Cole’s, 2338 N. Milwaukee in Chicago.

Our regular first-Monday show gets rolling at 9:00. Come on in for all of your Foz favorites, including “With Drunk Astronauts,” “Cheese Jesus,” (see above) “Eat Egg,” and “Keep Your Nose Clean.” It’s going to be a huge love fest, meaning you love us. Be there! Buy us drinks. We'll be great.

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