Thursday, August 1, 2013

A LaughingStock!

Hello, Princesses! 

The wonderful people at Laughingstock have given Your Old Pal, Foz, plenty good reason to reinvigorate this moribund blog.


Because on Sunday, August 25, 2013, Your Pals Foz the Hook will be featured at the Double Door Lounge in Chicago as part of the 2013 LaughingStock Festival!

This magnificent festival aims to bring together all of the best acts in the area of comedy music, but they also focus on the magnificent genre of comedy bands.  As you may know, FtH is a comedy band, or so we gather, since you always laugh at us when we play.

So keep an eye on this space for updates on our upcoming show at LaughingStock.  For now, it is enough that you clear your calendar on August 25. 

You have a date!  Also, bring a date.

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