Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Mayor Gets Some

This is the FozBlog wherein we say “Happy Birthday, Coleman Brice,” the impresario of rock and roll and funny and funny rock and roll in Logan Square.

Coleman founded Cole’s away back in 1967 when he took over a little storefront pool hall on Milwaukee Avenue called Dogs and Irishmen Keep Out!  I think that was the name.  That was what the sign said. 

A year later, at the famous demonstrations during the Democratic National Convention Coleman over-served Mayor Richard J. Daley and the Mayor got a little aggressive with the ladies.  Nevertheless, he managed to pick up Ann Margaret and Yoko for a threesome.  That guy was some mayor.

After that, all of the cops and all of the demonstrators came by and got drunk and sang With Drunk Astronauts along with Foz the Hook.  Neither Larry nor Patrick were alive yet, but they played OK.

So be at Cole’s tonight for the Big Old Comedy Open Mic featuring Adam Burke and/or Kenny Witzgall and/or Rhea Butcher, plus all of the comedians in Chicago.

Hey! Adam could not have ever played this room if Cole had not taken it over, and the open mic would have just been Kenny telling belligerent jokes in Polish while Rhea feverishly studied a Polish-English phrase book.

Foz the Hook (with a fully-grown rhythm section) starts the mayhem at 9:00, and the comics start complaining about their genitals at 9:30.

You’re there already, right? 

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