Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Where Art Comes From

As you know, Your Pals in FtH are impresarios of the arts.  At various times we have represented local geniuses in the areas of photography, music, comedy, and international security consulting. 

Well, a few weeks ago Old Foz was warming up for a show with a little Martini (twist of course), and thinking about love, when it hit him that the thing we needed for the huge Foz the Hook’s Poison Valentines Pageant was a poster.  A poster!  Yes!  If we had a poster, people might know that we were doing a show.  Our poster could even tell them when and where the show might be, such as “at Coles,” or “Wednesday night, February 8, before Cole’s Comedy Open Mic,” or even list featured performers, like “Rachel Taylor, Bill Bullock, etc, etc.” 

All we needed was an artist with a hand for drawing to make the poster.  Rats!  Where on earth will we find an artist at Cole’s?

That’s when we found out about Meredith Kachel.

You know Meredith.  She made the award-winning* video to Cameron Esposito’s world famous Lesbian Person Rant.  (What do you mean “Which one?” , THIS ONE!).

Anyway, a drink or two later and Meredith was absolutely in to drawing a poster for the show.  I can’t show you the poster yet, but I will soon.  In the meantime I have included Meredith’s take on Alexander Gardner’s photograph of President Abraham Lincoln, taken in Washington, D.C., on 8 November, 1863 – commonly known as The Gettysburg Lincoln. 

Sweet, huh?

Anyway, tonight Meredith and I will talk about the hot new poster, and as soon as I see it, I will share it with you, Internet.

Where will Meredith and I be tonight?  Why, we’ll be with you, at Cole’s Comedy Open Mic with Cameron Esposito and Adam Burke and Foz the Hook, and You!  We play at 9:00, and the comics make jokes at 9:30.

* Meredith’s video won the Foz’s Favorite Video For the Time Being award for 2011.

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