Thursday, February 2, 2012

Poison Valentines - The Poster!

Last night my heart melted when I first saw this amazing promotional art created for Foz the Hook by the brilliant Meredith Kachel.

FtH’s Poison Valentines Pageant is going to be a huge success! 

I hardly know where to start here.  First, the seed – and by that I mean germ of a seed:

Last week Meredith and I discussed some ideas for the artwork, and came up with a number of ideas based around the “movies” theme of the show.  The pageant will include a number of short romantic vignettes from famous movies, acted by Foz and The Ladies.  Then, as we wrapped up and headed for the bar, I said “Maybe think about a thing where there is a heart made of snakes and an adorable mouse with a valentine and the snakes are going to eat the mouse.”  Meredith immediately lit up, and while she said something like, “yeah, I’ll play with that too,” she clearly meant “This thing I’m going to do is going to be effing amazing.”

Now we have a sort of ingenious allegorical comment about love and expectations, and hopes, and getting devoured by predators.  "Poor little mousey.  I wuv U too… Gulp!"  See, Mousey and his predators truly love each other.  They just have their own definitions of love. 

Then we have the choices of predator for each performer.  Sure, Olde Foz is a buzzard, but he also wears glasses and parts his hair on the same side as me.  Patrick is a noble looking falcon with sideburns.  Larry is a jolly wolf with a beard.  Even the guest performers are well chosen.  Krystal is a blonde cat (or maybe a lynx); Bill is a scorpion as one would expect a sax player to be; Rachel is the Black Widow (Mike Ortiz says she is going to love that); and Maria Wojo is a (singing) frog with a mop of stylish blonde locks; most importantly, Natalie Jose is a badger, and NOT A SKUNK!  Keep saying that!  Never, ever suggest to Natalie that this is a skunk.  It’s not!  It’s an awesome and powerful badger…..  Not a skunk!  Doesn’t look like a skunk at all. 

I can guarantee that FtH will want to play with Natalie Jose again, so keep repeating that the poster represents her as a lovely, powerful, and flattering badger.

After that, the poster tells you where to go and when.   I don’t know what else I could have asked for.

Thank you, Meredith!  The rest of you should go to Meredith’s web site now and see what you can pay her to draw for you.

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