Thursday, February 16, 2012

Foz Gets Awkward With Collin Bullock

What a beautiful night we had last week at Foz the Hook’s Poison Valentine Pageant.  So romantic.

But all good things must end so other good things might take their place.  That is why Foz the Hook, your new favorite band, will be taking the stage this very night with our pal, Collin Bullock on his bill for Awkward Moments With Collin Bullock, a LIVE recording of his podcast by the same name.  Fantastic!

We presume that Collin will want to talk about all sorts of awkward moments that FtH has brought you over the last couple of years, including but not limited to…

The time Old Foz and Jason Earl Folks kissed each other on stage in front of everybody at Foz the Hook’s Poison Valentines Pageant on Wednesday, February 8, 2012.

That time I just talked about when Jason Earl Folks put on a cowboy hat and kissed Foz.

The time a couple sitting immediately in front of the stage wouldn’t stop talking, so Foz went out in the audience and sat with them during Whiskey What Done It.  That was last night, but it has happened before.

There was this one time that that thing happened, but there were two ladies (same table as #3), and they wouldn’t shut up.  When Foz sat down with them they gave him the old stink-eye and tried to continue their conversation.  They were bound and determined that they would not recognize the fact that they were sitting in the front row of a music show (full house of our usual fans, making their usual racket).  These ladies made sure to show me that I was the boorish interloper for sitting at their table and interrupting their conversation with a performance of music.  We all laughed at them, not with them.  Still, they were immune to the awkwardness of the situation.

So come out to Cole’s tonight, and see Awkward moments With Collin Bullock, featuring FtH, Mike Lebovitz, Chris Condren, Byron, Jacob Williams, and the two ladies in the front row who won’t shut up. 

The fun begins at 8 and goes to 10.  It will be recorded live, so be prepared to hear what your voice sounds like on a recording.

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