Saturday, October 29, 2011



Monday night is Halloween, and any self-respecting drunkard will have already overdone it by then.

Therefore, consider a quieter, yet scarier evening for REAL Halloween.  You won't even need a costume.

Come to Cole's (2338 N. Milwaukee, in Chicago) at 8:00 for a screening of F. W. Murnau's Nosferatu (1922), the unspeakably creepy Dracula movie with no speaking in it.  Your Pals FtH will be there (sans bass) with a cool new score.  Yes.  That means that Foz and Patrick will be playing LIVE music to Nosferatu while you watch.

We will show the movie in short, 15 minute segments, separated by Scary Nightmare Roundtable.  That will be true stories of our scariest for real nightmares.  Foz and Patrick, and at least one or two other fine storytellers will be on stage, spilling our guts about our deepest fears, as described through our dreams.

I don't know about the others, but Foz's favorite nightmare is just plain creepy!

Why don't you join us.  You'll never see us the same way again!

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