Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Hey, Babies!

As you all remember, back in 1994 Bobby and the Chuxx completed but did not release an ambitious project called Otis Hauls it In, an album that started with the subtitle A Decade of the Chuxx, but was still unfinished five years later.  Naturally, we dropped the subtitle.

It wasn't a bad album, really.  None of us liked the recording too much, but there were good good songs.  Filth Inhabiting flies of Guam is still the best song title Foz ever thought of.  Sauda Norway, 1927 is still one of the strangest songs ever written by anyone:  Olde Ole Johnson / Could Hear Tom a' coming (That's Olde Tom Catsup) / Just as the glacier foretold / Tempers raged hotter than hot / in that land so bitterly cold!  Also, My Baby Wears White Shoes came out as one of the really great Chuxxsongs ever done, mostly thanks to the Avuncular baritone of Jon Niccum as Bobby Wendalo.  Listen to it.  You'll like it!

But what we need to talk about today is the last cut from that album, Larry.  Larry is an OK song about a guy named Larry who does a bunch of stuff.  A lot of that stuff is funny.  I don't have a recording of it to share.  But tonight, at Cole's, Your Pals in FtH will introduce YOU to a guy named Larry who does a lot of stuff, and a lot of it is funny.  That's Cole's famous doorman, Larry Drennen (Pictured above), sitting in with FtH as our bassist.  Larry is a fantastic player, and I know you will enjoy hearing his set with us.

So come out to Cole's Magnificent Comedy Open Mic tonight, at Cole's, at 9:00, and see Larry play with FtH.  Watch the band!  Watch the comics!  Laugh at the doorman, and get thrown out on your butt!

It's Wednesday!  Be there.

Thank you, Larry.  Can't wait for the show!

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