Saturday, September 18, 2010

Not the Only Blog on the Internet!

Finally! Someone else used the Internet to set up a web log, or "blog," if you will. You all know that Your Pal Foz has long advocated that the Internet could be used for communication of ideas, as well as finding anonymous glory hole hookups.

Now Mo Welch (pictured here tittering at the glory hole joke I made), a funny comic, has set up a blog as part of her Mo Welch Web site.

Of particular note is this post, wherein Mo discusses the hugely popular Foz the Hook Freakshowcase that occurred back on September 6. There is even video of Mo doing a great performance that evening. Thank you for the kind words, Ms. Mo.

Final analysis: If you think you want to be Friend of Foz, you should give serious thought to being a Friend of Mo. It's because she's funny.

Thank you again, Mo, for joining the Freakshowcase on Labor Day.

The next Freakshowcase takes place on Monday, October 4, at Cole's. This most excellent program will feature Foz the Hook along with Featured Friends Lola Balatro, and comic Ever Mainard.

It is your favorite thing to do.

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