Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Four Score....

Dear Citizens,

Foz the Hook will not be able to sing for you this Wednesday because Your Pal Foz will have to go to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and give a speech or address of some sort.

You see, some time ago President Abraham Lincoln (pictured with his newspaper, pondering topical material for his stand up routine) gave an address at Gettysburg, and while it was fine for awhile, it is starting to wear a little thin.  So The People have begged Olde Foz to think of a new patriotic speech that will ring down through history for the next 150 years, just as Olde Abe's yeoman effort did back in 1863.

I'm not sure what I will say, but I always thought Abe's counting the years since the Revolution was a good way to start.  I could say "235 years ago..." or "Eleven score and fifteen years..."  or "Away back when..."

Also, Abe wasted a lot of time talking about America and stuff, and not nearly enough time publicizing his album.  At that time Abe was pushing an album of stand up called, Old Abe's Laughable Jokes and Gut-Busting Rhymes.  As you know FtH is publicizing our first album, Gin-Soaked Yankee and Other Disgraces.

Abe's Gettysburg Address was actually a commercial disaster, even though the patriotic stuff had some staying power - I guess.  He just didn't know how to monetize it, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, Olde Foz will be in Gettysburg instead of Chicago, so there will be no music show on Wednesday at Cole's.  There will still be comedy with Cameron Esposito and Adam Burke and - to use Abe's phrase - a shit ton of awesome comics!  So come on out.

It is your patriotic duty.

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