Friday, January 8, 2010

Nasty Snow Day

It was a snow day like the one yesterday a couple of years ago when I was shoveling the sidewalk in front of Foz the Hook's Logan Square compound - but warmer. So the snow was heavy and wet. Every shovel full was a pain in the butt, and the going was slow.

After working for a long time I stood up to stretch out my too-long backbone, and naturally emitted the old-man sound I have been cultivating since I turned 40. Looking around at the cold-wet-gray colorless landscape I exclaimed to no one within hearing, "That's some nasty snow, man!"

Then I said, "Hmmmm. Nasty Snowman." By the time the sidewalk was clear the FtH song was well along its way. At least the chorus was done, and once you have the chorus, you are most of the way done with song-writing.

If you don't believe me, just ask Carol King. Go ahead and ask her. I dare you.

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